Uno Quiz Answers from Video Facts 100% correct answers. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited.
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Uno Quiz v2
Uno Quiz 2
Uno Quiz 2 v2
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Q 6. Classic UNO uses four colors. What are they?

- Yellow, blue, green and brown
- Red, orange, purple and blue
- Red, purple, blue and green
- Red, yellow, blue and green
Q 10. Which card in your hand would you play next?

- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- Draw a card
Q 11. This is your hand in a game against just one other opponent. What’s your next best move?

- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- Draw a card
Q 12. This is your hand in a game against just one other opponent. What’s your best move here?

- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
Q 13. Which card could you play here?

- Draw a card
- A or B
- Only C
- A or D
- Only A
- Only D
Q 16. Take a look at your hand. You’re playing against an opponent who has just one card left. What would you play next?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 17. What happens when a player forgets to yell “Uno!” when only one card is left in her hand?

- She must draw four cards
- She must draw one card
- She must draw two cards
- She must draw three cards
Q 18. When the cards on the right are added up, are their point values higher or lower than a Reverse card?

- Higher
- Lower
- Their total is the same as the Reverse card
- The cards on the right do not have point values
Q 19. When the cards on the right are added up, are their point values higher or lower than a Wild Draw Four card?

- Higher
- Lower
- Their total is the same as the Wild Draw Four card
- The Wild Draw Four card has no point value
Q 20. What’s the total number of cards in the original UNO deck?

- 108
- 76
- 52
- 112
Q 21. Which of the card games below most closely resembles UNO?

- Solitaire
- Crazy Eights
- Hearts
- Poker
Q 23. When would the dealer begin a game of UNO?

- When the Reverse card is placed face up at the beginning of play
- When the Wild card is placed face up at the beginning of play
- When the first player cannot play a card
- When the first player plays a Wild Draw Four card
Q 24. When only two people are playing UNO, how do the rules change?

- Reverse works like a Skip, and when you use a Skip, you can play another card right away
- The winner is the the first person to reach 150 points
- No more than two Wild Draw Four cards can be used per game
- When the draw pile is used up, the game is finished and the points are counted up
Q 25. When must the first card turned up from the Draw Pile NOT be played?

- When it is a Skip card
- When it is a Reverse card
- When it is a Wild Draw Four card
- When it is a Draw Two card
- When it is a Red 1 card
- When it is a Blue 1 card
Q 26. Can you look at an opponent’s hand?

- Yes, when you think a Wild Draw 4 Four card was used incorrectly
- No, you can never look at an opponent’s hand
- Yes, when you think that a player has put down more than one card
- Only when you’ve won the game.
Q 27. Identify the false statement!

- A Wild Draw Four card cannot end a game
- There are four Wild Draw Four cards in the original UNO deck
- A player who receives a Wild Draw Four must draw four cards and also forfeit his/her turn
- A Wild card can be used on any turn
- If you draw a playable card, you must play it
- All of the statements are true
Q 28. Can you spot the non-official UNO rule?

- If you don’t have a card to play, you only have to pick up one card.
- You cannot stack Draw Two and Wild Draw Four cards
- The first player to score 500 points wins the game
- Wild Draw Four is played only if you don’t have a card in your hand that matches the color of the card previously played
- All are official UNO rules
- None are official UNO rules
Q 29. Can you identify the false statements? 1.) In Progressive UNO, players can stack penalties 2.) UNO was invented in Reading, Pennsylvania 3.) In Reverse-Skip, players can play both Reverse and Skip cards at the same time 4.) In Jump-In, players can play out of turn 5.) UNO has sold more than 150 million copies 6.) In Seven-0, one player switches hands with only one other player

- 1 and 2
- 2, 3, 4 and 5
- All of the statements are false
- 1, 2, 3 and 5
- 3 and 4
- All of the statements are true
- 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6
- 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Q 30. Unscramble the themed packs below. Which one is fake?

- veOr teh geeHd UNO
- nyDeis rcnPseis UNO
- vUeniyrsti of doliaFr UNO
- rbeaiB UNO
- teyBt opBo UNO
- teyBt opBo UNO
- pNnueet UNO
- wePor bGar UNO
Q 31. Watch this short video and try to answer the question!
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
Hello, i just wanted to say that there is most likely a mistake in here, for the question that said “unscramble the theme packs.which one is fake?” you have put an answer that is not valid in the original quiz, i don’t see the answer u put any where on the quiz. Please update this, thank you, have a great day<3
Jezz me to that quosion 32 is hard link .
96% theres a new question after the Q.31 video
in the quiz there is no pneet or however you spell it
It’s mushroom uno that is not a theme
I think it’s updated or this is a new version.
thanks!! very much for the answers is very ansome but there’s one particular questions that is not there is video question says how many even numbered cards did you see, please help me with the answers thanks
did you find the answer ?
The correct answer is 10
Pls tell me the last answer
Can you update this
Check the version 2. If still doesn’t match provide the quiz link.