
The Ultimate Apex Legends Quiz Answers

GimmeQuiz – The Ultimate Apex Legends Quiz

The Ultimate Apex Legends Quiz Answers from Offer 100% correct answers. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited.

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Q 1. Welcome to our Apex Legends trainer! Are you ready to take the challenge? Click on ‘Next’ below to get started.

Option:- NEXT

Q 2. In Apex Legends, you take control of a character in one of three separate classes: Offense, Defense, Support. You will always be able to choose a character from one of these classes.

Option:- NEXT

Q 3. Teamwork is really important in Apex Legends. A balanced team that features one of each of the three classes stands a better chance against those that, for example, don’t have a healer.

Option:- NEXT

Q 4. Apex Legends has a ping system that allows players to mark something in the world (loot, locations, enemies) and can be used to communicate with your teammates without having to use a mic.

Option:- NEXT

Q 5. Apex Legends stands out from other battle royale games in that you can revive fallen teammates. This means that, should you be taken down, you can still rely on your teammates to bring you back!

Option:- NEXT

Q 6. When you start a game, you’ll be able to choose where exactly you want to land on the map. At the beginning, it’s best to try and land in places that are a little more remote so you can get your bearings without being harassed by other players.

Option:- NEXT

Q 7. Just as in other battle royale games, the map is surrounded by a ring which will slowly close over time, thus reducing the field of play. Stay inside it or you’ll start to take damage.

Option:- NEXT

Q 8. The best items are found in military outposts and special transports that land from time to time in random locations around the map. But these places are likely to feature a lot of other players, so be warned.

Option:- NEXT

Q 9. Play every character at least twice so you can see which play style you prefer. Your favorite character may also be picked before you have the chance to, so it’s good to experiment.

Option:- NEXT

Q 10. Now that we’ve given you some basic tips, it’s time to ask you some questions. Are you ready?

Option:- Yes!

Q 11. What kind of game is Apex Legends?

Option:- An RPG A platformer A battle royale An MMO

Q 12. When was Apex Legends released?

Option:- 2019 2015 2017 2016

Q 13. Is Apex Legends a free-to-play game?

Option:- Yes No

Q 14. Should you play outside the ring in Apex Legends?

Option:- Yes No

Q 15. Can you play Apex Legends on Xbox One, PS4 & PC?

Option:- Yes No

Q 16. Which of these publishers is behind Apex Legends?

Option:- Sony Ubisoft Take Two Interactive Electronic Arts

Q 17. Can you choose which character you want play as in Apex Legends?

Option:- Yes No

Q 18. Can you choose where you want to land in Apex Legends?

Option:- Yes No

Q 19. Does it make sense to stay close to your teammates in Apex Legends?

Option:- Yes No

Q 20. Can you revive fallen teammates in Apex Legends?

Option:- Yes No

Q 21. Before we start asking you more questions, here are some extra tips for Apex Legends!

Option:- NEXT

Q 22. You can slide down any hill in Apex Legends. This will increase your speed and make you a more difficult target for your enemies. It’s actually the most effective method of evading incoming fire in the game.

Option:- NEXT

Q 23. The game features jump towers marked with large balloons. If you attach yourself to one of these, you’ll be launched into the air and capable of covering great distances by gliding.

Option:- NEXT

Q 24. If someone is irritating you, you can mute a teammate’s voice chat in the menu. We’re very thankful Respawn have included this feature.

Option:- NEXT

Q 25. Once you and your team land, it’s best to split up in the area you’re in. Loot is limited and if you all run into the same buildings, you’ll be depriving one another of valuable items.

Option:- NEXT

Q 26. There are 4 rounds in every Apex Legends match. At the end of each one, the circle will shrink in size and a countdown timer will start before the next one begins.

Option:- NEXT

Q 27. Be sure to hang on to a Knockdown Shield if you find one. If you’re taken out, you’ll be able to hold this shield in front of you while you crawl around the battlefield. This can help you survive until your teammates come to help!

Option:- NEXT

Q 28. You still have control of opening and closing doors while you’re down. Make use of this by blocking enemy players from entering a building you’re downed in. It’ll frustrate the hell out of them.

Option:- NEXT

Q 29. Now for a quick refresher question before things get harder: How many rounds are in an Apex Legend match?

Option:- 4 3 7 8

Q 30. The real test is about to begin. When you’re ready, champion, click on ‘Next’ below!

Option:- NEXT

Q 31. Let’s start with an easy one: Which developer is behind Apex Legends?

Option:- FromSoftware Sony Interactive Entertainment Respawn Entertainment Bungie

Q 32. How many players are assigned to one team in Apex Legends?

Option:- 5 2 3 4

Q 33. At launch, how many characters were there to choose from in Apex Legends?

Option:- 7 8 9 6

Q 34. Which of these is NOT a character in Apex Legends?

Option:- Lifeline Bangalore Myrage Caustic

Q 35. Which of these is NOT an ability in Apex Legends?

Option:- Earthshatter Encore Nox Vision Insider Knowledge

Q 36. What language does Bloodhound introduce his name in during the training session?

Option:- Norwegian Swedish Finnish Icelandic

Q 37. Which of these voice actors has not worked on Apex Legends?

Option:- Branscombe Richmond Mela Ley Shantel VanSanten Roger Craig Smith

Q 38. How many seconds do you have to pick your character before the timer passes on to the next player before a match starts?

Option:- 8 seconds 5 seconds 7 seconds 6 seconds

Q 39. Which of these updates increased the volume of the music that plays after a match has been won?

Option:- 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4

Q 40. One character cannot use ziplines while their special ability is activated in Apex Legends, who is it?

Option:- Mirage Caustic Wraith Gibraltar [adace-ad id=”22311″] [adace-ad id=”22312″]

Written by My Neobux Portal

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5 years ago


5 years ago

OMG ! TYSM, Your site is the best ! i using this site to complete quizes to get points and get Robux. all questions are 100% CORRECT!! TYSM again !

5 years ago

great cool

Ishak limbu
Ishak limbu
5 years ago

in this quiz,question no.37 is changed.Can you check this?

5 years ago


Sunil ror
Sunil ror
5 years ago


5 years ago

Can you give me direction how to see the answers for Apex legends..?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tere

I clicked the link that you provided, but i dont know what to do next..

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