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Q 1. ‘Nosferatu: a Symphony of Horror’ is a 1922 classic based on which novel?

Q 2. Who starred in the 1939 classic ‘The Wizard of Oz’?

Q 3. The wonderful western ‘Rio Bravo’ starred John Wayne, Ricky Nelson and…

Q 4. Which of these films was not directed by the great Alfred Hitchcock?

Q 5. One of these films starred Katherine Hepburn as a woman who owns a pet leopard, which one is it?

Q 6. One of these directors created a masterpiece that inspired the premise and structure of ‘Star Wars.’ Which of them was it?

Q 7. Which of these westerns dealt with the topic of racism towards Native Americans in a revolutionary way for its time?

Q 8. ‘Peeping Tom’ is one of the great horror masterpieces featuring a chilling score by Brian Easdale. It contains a particularly challenging part for solo piano. Which virtuoso performed it for the soundtrack?

Q 9. Which of these real animals was featured in Stanley Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’?

Q 10. Maya Deren is famous for the short film ‘Meshes of the Afternoon’. Which European short inspired her to make an American film in a similar vein?