Marvel Cinematic Universe Knowledge Test Answers from Offer 100% correct answers. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited.
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Q 1. What was the movie which gave the MCU its start?

Q 2. Which country did Tony Stark present his Jericho missile in on Iron Man 1?

Q 3. Post credit scenes are now a given for MCU movies, but which one of these films did not have one?

Q 4. In the first Avengers movie, which actor was supposed to play Bruce Banner before Mark Ruffalo.

Q 5. What movie from the MCU did Thanos first appear in?

Q 6. In addition to Gamora, Thanos is father to which other MCU character?

Q 7. Stark Tower is which of the following buildings in real life?

Q 8. Captain America originally captured Loki alongside which other Avenger?

Q 9. Ultron was voiced by which famous Hollywood actor?

Q 10. With the recent acquisition of Fox by Disney, it seems plausible that the MCU will include the X-men at some point. Which actor requested to be in an Avengers films way back in 2014?

Q 11. How many films is Phase One comprised of?

Q 12. How many films is Phase Two comprised of?

Q 13. How many films is Phase Three comprised of?

Q 14. Iron Man is going to be replaced moving forward, which other Marvel character will take his place?

Q 15. How many visual effects (VFX) did Avengers: Age of Ultron have?

Q 16. Which Avenger that was set to appear in Avengers: Infinity War, but didn’t?

Q 17. Thanos has a brother who was a member of The Avengers, what’s his name?

Q 18. What is Gamora’s weapon of choice’s name?

Q 19. Initially Bruce Banner’s transformation wasn’t only triggered by anger, but also by…

Q 20. What’s the name of Tony Stark’s father?

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