Hidden Animals Quiz Answers from Video Quiz Star 100% correct answers. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited.
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Q 1. These pristine waters make for great animal watching. Can you spot the aquatic creature here?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q Alt 1. These pristine waters make for great animal watching. Can you spot the aquatic creature here?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 2. It’s hard for animals to hide in these wide open pastures, but there’s a bird of prey lurking somewhere here. Can you spot it?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 3. We get a lot of animals passing through on the farm, but the one hidden here is a mainstay. Which statement is true about the animal hidden here?

- They hold water in their humps
- They have cloven hooves
- They are experts at finding truffles
- They have four stomachs
Q Alt 3. We get a lot of animals passing through on the farm, but the one hidden here is a mainstay. Where is it?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 4. There have been sightings of a deer running in these mountains. Can you spot it? Tell us the quadrant letter.

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 6. Riddle me this: Pippen the elephant’s father has five sons. The names of the first four sons are Frito, Figgy, Fazel and Fudgy respectively. What is the name of the fifth son? Enter the name below.

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Q Alt 6. A cowgirl rides into town on Friday, stays for two days, and leaves on Friday. What is her horse’s name? Type your answer below.

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Q 7. You can hear the screeching call of a small primate, but can you spot it?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 8. There are a few insects crawling in the brush here. Can you give us the name of the insect? Type your answer below!

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Q Alt 8. How many praying mantises are hiding here? Type your answer below!

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Q 9. You notice snow cascading down the trees as a creature jumps from branch to branch. It must be a squirrel. Where is it now?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 10. How many caterpillars have morphed into butterflies here? Type your answer below.

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Q 11. The fox has spotted something rustling about nearby. Can you spot the hidden herbivore here?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 12. Amidst this herd of sheep, where will you find an animal that barks?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q Alt 12. Amidst this herd of sheep, where will you find an animal that barks?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q Alt 12-2. Amidst this herd of sheep, where will you find an animal that barks?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 13. A husband and wife walk into a circus tent. On stage are one tiger, two bears, and a giraffe. Flying above the stage are three white doves. In total, how many legs are there in the tent? Type your answer below.

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Q 14. A creature is roaming around in these messy quarters. Can you tell us which blurb is NOT true about the animal?

- They smell with their tongue
- They don’t have eyelids
- They all lay eggs
- They are all cold-blooded
Q Alt 14. Looks like someone’s snake got out their of cage! Can you spot it before it escapes outside?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 15. We’ve gone down under. Which of the following statements is true about the hidden animal?

- Females can pause pregnancy
- Males bath in mud to attract females
- They can run across water
- They emit exprobrate amounts of methane gas
Q Alt 15. We’ve gone down under. Can you find the hidden animal native to Australia?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 16. Life on the prairie can be pretty calm. Unless this magnificent beast comes rolling through. Which statement is NOT true about the animal hidden here?

- They are strict herbivores
- They can live to be 45 years old
- Calves are born with orange-red fur coats
- Only a small percentage do not share genes with cattle
Q 16. Life on the prairie can be pretty calm. Unless this magnificent beast comes rolling through. Can you find the animal hidden here?

- A
- B
- C
- D
Q 17. There’s a roaring primate in this jungle. Spot the animal and tell us which of the following statements about it is true.

- They give birth after 6 months of pregnancy
- They live mostly solitary lives
- They sleep in nests at night
- They have low intelligence
Q 18. There’s a creature making a ruckus somewhere here. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the hidden critter?

- They have high IQ’s
- They hibernate for 6 weeks in winter
- Their paws act like taste buds
- They are nocturnal
Q Alt 18. There’s a creature making a ruckus somewhere here. In which quadrant will you find a nocturnal critter?

- They have high IQ’s
- They hibernate for 6 weeks in winter
- Their paws act like taste buds
- They are nocturnal
Q 19. Now that you’ve found some hidden animals, can you also find the value of the lizard? Type your answer below.

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Q Alt 19. Now that you’ve found some hidden animals, can you also find the value of the raven/crow? Type your answer below.

- 1
- 2
- 3
- 11
Q Alt 19-2. Now that you’ve found some hidden animals, can you also find the value of the frog? Type your answer below.

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Q 20. Can you solve this slithery math problem? What number needs to replace the question mark to make the equation true? Type your answer below.

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Q Alt 20-2. Can you solve this cute but tricky math problem?

- 66
- 611
- 1,040
- 10,400