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A: Brisbane
B: Canberra
C: Sydney
D: Perth
Q 3. Which of these is not a type of parrot:
A: Blue Jay
B: Amazon
C: Lovebird
D: Lorikeet
Q 4. When did adding candles to the birthday cake originate?
A: End of the 17th century
B: Middle of the 18th century
C: Middle of the 19th century
D: During Roman times
Q 5. A girl wants to count the steps of a moving escalator which is going up. If she is going up on it, she counts 60 steps. If she is walking down, taking the same time per step, then she counts 90 steps. How many steps would she have to take in either direction, if the escalator were standing still?
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Thank you updated it
Check here http://www.myneobuxportal.com/2018/06/flash-quiz-cultura-geral.html