Apex Legends Knowledge Test Answers from Offer 100% correct answers. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited.
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Q 1. How long did Apex Legends take to come out?

Q 2. What’s the name of this Apex Legends Hero?

Q 3. Gibraltar has 3 abilities. Gun Shield, Dome of Protection and…?

Q 4. What’s the name of the company behind Apex Legends?

Q 5. Apex Legends became the most streamed title on Twitch, leaving behind which other popular title?

Q 6. How many heroes did Apex Legends originally launch with?

Q 7. What are Apex Legends’ version of lootboxes called?

Q 8. What game universe does Apex Legends occur in?

Q 9. Up to what number of players are allowed inside a match?

Q 10. Wattson is one of the newest legends to arrive to Apex Legends, which of this abilities does she have?

Q 11. Which of the following statements is true?

Q 12. What’s the name of this Apex Legends Hero?

Q 13. Heirloom Packs are the extremely rare items found in Apex Packs, how likely are you to get one when opening a pack?

Q 14. What’s the name of this Apex Legends Hero?

Q 15. What company served as the publisher of Apex Legends?

Q 16. How many people make up a team in Apex Legends?

Q 17. This hero is one of the fan favorites, what’s its name?

Q 18. Wraith has some of the most powerful abilities in the game. What’s the name of her ultimate?

Q 19. Caustic was a scientist before fighting in the arena. What’s his name?

Q 20. What’s the name of the currency used in Apex Legends?

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